Saturday, October 2, 2010

You know what?

Music, that's what. That is totally what.
So I have had Arcade Fire on my ipod a while. Deb talked about how awesome they are. I have other friends who talk glowingly about seeing them at some hole-in-the-wall or beautiful theater or small club or whatever. I finally got the Funeral CD to play at home. Carol really liked it, actually read the lyrics.
"Next time they come to town I want to see them, " she says.
"You got it," I say.
I didn't realize they were coming in 2 weeks. And they were already sold out.
Craigslist, while it may be a delivery system for psychos, is also a great resource when it comes to purchasing tickets for sold-out things. We bought 2 tickets from a potential psycho outside Wholefoods in Bellevue. It was awkward. She was texting up to the us, made the exchange, texted while walking away. Told us she got the tix free from a radio station. That kind of made Carol stiffen. Paying for free tickets is not part of Carol's life strategy.
We had so much fun. They were kind of theatrical, but not phony. They were fun. I yelled/sang so loud to Wake Up: The Encore. It was at the Key Arena, which I feared was too big for them, but it was not.
It was fun. I thank Music Club, in part, because you really reinforced the whole I-should-see-more-live-music vibe I've been feeling lately. Also, you said Arcade Fire was good in particular and you did not lie. So much fun.

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