Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy 2 year anniversary music club!!!!

16 themes and 279 songs later and look at us, still going strong! I'm proud of our tenacity and diverse output. Go MC!


  1. Happy Anniversary everybody. Just so you know, I didn't get you anything. I thought about. I really did. But then there was the snow, and I think two years is like cotton or Thai food or something like that, and then that piano (or was it an anvil? a safe?) fell on my head as I was walking down the street (I know what are the chances?) and I just plain forgot, you know, with all that going on. So anyhow, maybe next year. Three year anniversaries are leopard print or wax, I think.

  2. I thought the 3 year leopard print and wax anniversary was just for S&M enthusiasts.

    I could be wrong.

  3. I have written a 2 year anniversary music club haiku in honor of the event.


    Sting must be so sad
    that he is not a part of
    our rad music club.

  4. That is beautiful.

    I have some Police.
    If you need to hear some Sting,
    just let me know. Kay?
