Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Music Club #57(?!) The "using only one line of lyrics, what's your favorite song” Theme

So not to over-think it, because it is still early and all, but are you thinking of the line as a stand alone line or is it within the context of the song. Because there are a lot of lines I really enjoy, but they might not make sense or actually are kind of stupid as just a line. Its only in the context that it means anything to me or probably anybody. But I don’t expect everyone to listen to the all of the lyrics. I’m constantly surprised some of the songs I hear even have understandable lyrics. I hear someone singing a song and think, “Are those the lyrics to that song? Who knew?"

How are you envisioning it, Deb?

Already thinking about Oct 26th.


  1. Good question, I think there is room to interpret this in whatever way you want to present it. Maybe the line doesn't make sense as a stand alone but if it lends itself to your enjoyment of the song then it's valid. Umm, ok, here's an example of mine, there's a line from an Iron & Wine song, "I mean the world to a potty-mouth girl", I love that line, but you're right, there's no context, but when I hear it in the song it makes me smile every time. This particular line is from the chorus, but there are instances where that may not be the case, another example, "And raise my glass 'cause either way I'm dead", it's really haunting to me, as is the song. Here's how I envision it, you have three lines from three different songs, introduce the line, play the song, discuss.
