Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Can we change the date of our next music club?

Gina Turner is going to be in town March 20-27, can we move MC from March 10 to March 25? Pat and I would be happy to host. Theme is Mind the Gap, so a chance to fill in your perceived musical gaps on our play list.


  1. Oops, I meant, Thursday March 24th

  2. I would be so honored if you guys can! I promise to avoid obscure elderly folk songstresses!

  3. I think I can do that. I forgot when the meeting was anyway. So let me check my physical calendar tonight.

    What do you mean "perceived musical gap?” I think I know a gap when I see one. It may be “perceived", but it also just “is.” This theme makes me feel super judgy.

    Besides I think we’ve done a pretty good job for the most part. I keep thinking of some artist we might be missing, then it turns out we already have at least one song by them. I’ll keep looking, though.

  4. I'm in! Gina and maybe Larry? This is gong to be epic!!!

    Mind the Gap. Duh, only one song from Hamilton. GAP RIGHT THERE!

  5. Carol Lee has the car Thursday night. Is there anyway we can make it Wed or Fri?

    If we can't do it another night, can someone give me a ride to the meeting and i will convince Carol it would be a great idea for her to pick me up at the end of the meeting. What d'ya say?

  6. Oh, and I realize this is a late response, but Courtney Barnett is sold out now, huh?

  7. Hi! Yay, glad we can flex to accommodate our favorite out of towner! Pat and I could do either Wednesday or Friday, Gina would you be able to make it on one of those nights? Do you have a preference? If we need to keep it on Thursday maybe it would be more convenient to have Marcy host? That way Carol won't have to travel as far...
    Yes, Courtney sold out, much to my shame as I didn't get tickets.

  8. Wait... I'm going to have to wait until March to talk about how annoyed I was at the Grammys and everything that referenced the Grammy's... my angst fades over time... maybe i'll record a rant to have as a reference. All that to say I prefer Wednesday to Friday but I could do either.

  9. I'm good for Wednesday or Friday and PLEASE record your rant!

  10. As for that Wed-Fri, we're looking at a full moon, Purim, and Good Friday (in that order). It'll be exhausting but I'll make anything work ;-)
    As for gaps, prepare to raise your eyebrows... I'll be filling a mood gap vs an artist one.
    As for the Grammy's, don't EVEN get me started.

  11. I definitely want to hear Greg’s rant. I definitely want the rant to get get J started.

    I did not see or pay any attention to the Grammys. I need it to come out on DVD or something so I can watch at my leisure. So PLEASE give the recap.

  12. Ok, let's make it Wednesday the 23rd. Deb & Pat's. I did not watch the Grammy's, so I look forward to the J/Greg recap. I suspect Marcy can give the blow by blow of the Hamilton performance, maybe even a reenactment.

  13. Hey MC friends!!! Have you filled in the gaps? I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing your picks. Shout out to how exciting it is to have Gina here!

  14. I've just been reminded that MC is Wed which is tomorrow, not Thurs the 24th which is what's on my calendar. I find myself double booked and unable to make it gang... SO SORRY

  15. Unless by some divine intervention we could pull Friday out of our Easter hats and make that work??

  16. In the interest of offering up a Plan B should Friday prove problematic, Thursday is also on the table... Jim, J mentioned he could pick you up and Pat said he could give you a ride home.

  17. I can do Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
    What I can't do apparently is pick 3 songs for the theme.

  18. I can do Wednesday or Thursday but I can't do Friday... that is all.

  19. Whew, tragedy averted! I can't wait to see you all!

  20. Whew, tragedy averted! I can't wait to see you all!

  21. Thurs we can do if i can get a ride to the meeting and maybe a ride downtown after. It seems like a long way to make people drive.

  22. Jim you just tell me where to collect you and when, I'll be there!

    Thanks for helping a brother with a brain injury out guys :-)

  23. J and Pat-

    Thanks so much for the offered rides.

    I have good news. Through a serious of events I now have access to the car. So I will be able to drive myself both to and from the meeting.

    I will see all y’all there.

  24. Great news - I hope the serious of events weren't too terribly serious...

  25. Actually, the series of events were pretty shitty. I’ll tell you about it tonight.
