Wednesday, August 20, 2014

All-Time Worst Songs?

My radio station is doing their annual pledge-drive countdown, and this year's theme is '885 All-Time Greatest and Worst Songs'.  You can send in your list of 10 Greatest, and 5 Worst, and then they play the list non-stop starting Oct. 20th.  (They're only playing 85 Worst Songs!)

You can see Random Greatest and Worst lists that have already been submitted here.

I'm not having too much trouble coming up with great songs, but what are some of you guys' worst? My tastes are so dorky, I sort like a lot of songs that other people hate...  but maybe you can help me brainstorm...

(This also reminds me of the AV Club's 'Hatesong' feature, which is pretty funny!)


  1. Is there a song out there that all of MC can't abide? I'm guessing maybe some annoyingly patriotic country song?

  2. I can only speak of the worst songs on my iTunes. I have them because I am a song hoarder but they are super bad and they only stack up all around my house, keeping me from sitting comfortably on my couch. These all come from Greatest Hits Compilations, so someone thinks they are a hit.

    Pink (South Beach mix) - Aerosmith
    Mr Roboto - Styx
    Road Trippin’ - Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Addams Groove - MC Hammer
    Kiss The Bride - Elton John

    I’m sure there’s plenty more I just can’t bring myself to listen to.
    Don’t Enjoy.

  3. Everybody Wang Chung Tonight.

  4. So I'm sure you're all dying to know what songs I decided on! After much frozen agonizing, I decided to narrow down my choices by using two criteria, which I will now bore you with:

    1. It had to conceivably be something they'd play on XPN (which is still pretty broad - they've managed to ironically play the likes of "Call Me Maybe", and
    2. It had to be something I hated from first listen and has gotten worse since. (I can't not like it just because the singer is a douchebag, or it can't be a song that I didn't mind at first but then got sick of)

    Marcy: I did consider "Proud To Be An American" by Lee Greenwood, but I have warm associations with that loathsome song because the Bellagio fountain was always playing it that time we were all in Vegas

    Greg: Do you feel the same way about Synchronicity II?

    Jim: I was scared to listen to any of those I didn't already know, in case I liked them. Pat e-mailed me that he hated Sexuality by Billy Bragg. and I didn't remember it, so I watched the video, which then won me over. I am lame.

    Deb: Close! So close, but it is more a tolerated/learned to hate song for me. I was in high school...

    The final five:

    Your Body Is A Wonderland - John Mayer. Yes, he IS a douchebag, but I stand by my love of his first album, EXCEPT FOR THAT GODAWFUL SONG
    Bubbly - Colbie Caillat. Dear lord baby Jesus, what a monstrosity
    Dizz Knee Land - dada. Yes, that is how it is spelled.
    Jealousy - Natalie Merchant. It was this or Carnival. By all rights, I should love her - I can't really explain why I want to stab someone when I hear her songs. (Weirdly, I can tolerate 10,000 Maniacs)
    Good People - Jack Johnson. see Natalie Merchant. (except for that Curious George song... yeah, I said it.)

  5. Your Body Is A Wonderland - John Mayer ~ I know of it, but don’t actually know it. IS he a douchebag? I heard he was. Worse than that guy from Limp Bizkut?

    Bubbly - Colbie Caillat ~ Is this a real thing? I may have to make either my office or Carol and her mom listen to these. I was hoping not to subject others to my perverse need to hearing Gina’s worst songs ever.

    Dizz Knee Land - dada ~ Seriously. It’s like you’re just making things up.

    Jealousy - Natalie Merchant ~ Hey, I know this song. I don’t remember hating it. Did I? I remember hating something.

    Good People - Jack Johnson ~ He’s that surfer, right? Laid back. Hang loose. Good People sounds nice. I’ve never heard this song, but it’s my new favorite. I’ll let you know if my opinion changes when I actually hear it.

    Well done. I hope you win.

  6. OOC, what were your 10 greatest songs?

    1. Well, since you asked... Since it's an impossible choice, I picked some super-faves that I also think might have varying degrees of a chance of getting enough votes to make the final countdown (Ooo, The Final Countdown... dammit!). I ignored the '60s and '70s, since I know they'll be well represented. In no particular order:

      1. Rehab - Amy Winehouse
      2. Hey Ya - Outkast
      3. Postal Service - Such Great Heights
      4. Bjork - Hyperballad
      5. Somewhere Only Know - Keane
      6. Dear God XTC
      7. North Dakota - Lyle Lovett
      8. Prince - Let's Go Crazy
      9. The Nightfly - Donald Fagen
      10. Faith - George Michael

      But I did consider just picking 10 Stevie Wonder songs!

      Ooo, Steve McQueen (the director) was on Desert Island Discs this weekend, and he was awesome. He played Raspberry Beret and described it as if James Brown and the Beatles had a baby. Perfect!

  7. Obviously, those are solid choices. I have all but one in my iTunes. I have FLY BY NIGHT by Rush, which is a fine substitute for NIGHTFLY, I’m sure.
