Thursday, November 18, 2010

December Music Club Date?

Gina hits town on December 18th. What does everyones schedule look like?


  1. Wow, Deb, you are so chatty today.

  2. YES! And I'm there until Jan. 4th!

  3. Proposed dates:
    December 21st or 22nd, 28th or 29th.

  4. 21st or 22nd work for me, we're leaving for Toledo super early on the 29th... so the 28th doesn't work either... sorry to be so high maintenance.

  5. 21st and 22nd work for me! I'm easy.

  6. Jim! Gina! Do you have a preference? December 21st or 22nd? (This is the bossy, pushy version of me)

  7. At this point, either is good with me! Jim gets to decide!

  8. Hi. Sorry for being all incommunicado for such a long time. I know it sounds impossible but I had no internet at the art fair or in my hotel room. I had brief periods where I used the hotel's business center but that was just to let Carol know I was still alive since I don't have a cell phone and she never answers hers. Hooray!
    Anyways, how about the 22nd?
    That's a Wednesday, right?

  9. We missed you Jim. Glad you are back in communication with the outside world. Wednesday December 22nd next music club, @ Pat & Deb's. 7:00.

  10. Are we still only choosing 3? I thought I heard something about more one time. No? Just 3, huh? Hmm... okay. See you tonight.

  11. SO, does anyone else think music club themes requiring a hat should be avoided?

  12. Even More AnonymousJanuary 4, 2011 at 1:12 PM

    You're not fooling anyone, Marcy.
    I say we all have to wear hats to meeting in 2011.

  13. I agree with the first anonymous and I blame the super mac and cheese for fogging my judgement re: Themes.

  14. Well of course you agree with Anonymous, Super Anonymous. Your upset that I got you as a theme. I promise to make you look as good as possible.
    Or at least as good as I can.
    Or care to.

  15. Second Most AnonymousJanuary 4, 2011 at 3:51 PM

    Do not diss the Mac & Cheese. It haunts me still.

  16. Doesn't anyone use a name anymore?

  17. Less Anonymous Than MostJanuary 4, 2011 at 5:08 PM

    Oh, not you again.

  18. Hey, when did we get the new members? A couple of them seem familiar.

  19. Alright, I 'm convinced.
    I've changed my mind and agree to only themes involving hats and/or REM.

  20. Hey, that's not me.
    Only real names from now on. I mean it.
